Marking Rubric

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Identification and Measurement description
Measurement instrument clearly identified; Provides comprehensive, accurate and succinct description of the measure Measurement instrument clearly identified; Comprehensive and accurate description of the measurement, however not succinct Measurement instrument identified; Some description of the measure Measurement instrument identified; some description of the measure, however, incomplete and/or some inaccuracies Measurement instrument not clearly identified; Description of the measure incomplete and/or there are inaccuracies in the description
Discussion of validity and reliability of the measurement as applied to the context and target group
Provides detailed and succinct evidence relating to both the validity and reliability from three or more sources; Validity and reliability are clearly relevant to the target group and context
Provides detailed evidence relating to both the validity and reliability from two sources; Validity and reliability are clearly relevant to the target group and context
Provides some evidence relating to both the validity and reliability from one source; Validity and reliability are relevant to the target group and context
Provides inadequate evidence relating to either the validity and reliability and/or no sources used; Validity and reliability relevance to the target group and context is not clearly articulated
Some errors in the reporting of evidence relating to either the validity and reliability and/or no sources used; Validity and reliability relevance to the target group and context is not discussed and/or some errors
Justification of the selected measure Provides clear, comprehensive and succinct justification of the selected measure by demonstrating a clear link between the measure, the context and the target group
Provides clear and comprehensive justification of the selected measure by demonstrating a link between the measure, the context and the target group
Provides adequate justification of the selected measure by demonstrating a link between the measure, the context and the target group Provides in adequate justification of the selected measure and has difficulty demonstrating a link between the measure, the context and the target group
Provides weak justification of the selected measure and errors in the linking of the measure, the context and the target group
Spelling and Grammar
Writing is clear with few errors demonstrating superior written communication skills. Writing is concise and simple.
Writing is clear with some errors, average written communication skills. Writing is somewhat verbose and overly complicate. Writing is incoherent, many errors, poor written communication skills. Overly verbose and not clear.
Sources used to substantiate idea, sufficient number of references and correct use of APA format.

Sources used to substantiate the ideas of the report, sufficient number of sources, APA referencing style has been used, however, some errors present APA style guidelines Sources not used to substantiate the ideas of the report, insufficient number of sources, and/or errors present APA style guidelines