Lincoln University Dairy Farm

MGMT 103 – 2019 Case Study


Lincoln University Dairy Farm (LUDF)


At the conclusion of this case study, students should be able to describe:

1. the role of on farm demonstration

2. the factors involved in planning and implementing a dairy farm conversion

3. the physical and financial resources involved in a dairy farm system

4. the basic management policies for seasonal dairying


Prepare a report as follows:

1. Briefly describe the resources of LUDF and summarise the main demonstration activities
undertaken on the farm. (10 marks)

2. Summarise the reasons for the development of the dairy farm, the basic infrastructure
required and the costs involved. Hint: a table listing capital costs should be included. (30

3. List the annual calendar of major management operations involved in running the farm.
(10 marks)

4. Describe the key points of the pasture and herd management policies in operation this
season. (30 marks)

Report Form:

Your report should be word processed, formatted and laid out as a “short report” as described in the Research & Writing Guide, and should consist of a covering letter, title page and a four part main body answering the four questions posed above. (10 marks)


Handout should be referenced as follows (5 marks):

  In the reference list: South Island Dairy Development Centre (2019) Lincoln University
Dairy Farm. Focus Day July 2018 handout. Available from Lincoln University myLincoln
MGMT 103 website.

  In the text: South Island Dairy Development Centre (2019)
What is verbally said to you on the visit, should be acknowledged in the text only (5 marks).
If all of the information was provided by the host then you should state this in both the cover letter and at the start of your report, as follows: all information was provided by the host farm manager P. Hancox (personal communication, month, day, year).